Trehgornaya Manufactory
Arma 17 & Stereotactic. 2014-2015
Trehgornaya Manufactory is the oldest Moscow textile enterprise, founded in the late 18th century. It had become a temporary location of Arma 17 promo group for a season 2014-2015.
Location: Moscow, Rochdelskaya 15.
Area: 5000 m2
Ideologist: Natasha Abel
Artistic leaders: Freak Fabrique
The building of the Soviet era consisting of workshops with equipment, apparatuses of complex capacity, as well as various types of sewage treatment facilities outside.
The task was to build a temporary club with three dance floors, bars and installations, both permanent and temporary; with integration of various sponsoring brands. The main difficulty of this space was its poor sound insulation, and lack of levels and heights — all on one level.
The space was mastered gradually.There were 5 parties during a year. It started with Trehgornaya Manufactory party (Halloween), then Jet, Bunker, Save, Birthday. Each event was decorated in a new way, aside the main architectural constructions.
The Manufactory Installation, a feature of this space, was fenced and recreated according the original parameters of a fabric production workshop.
Materials: used coils; used chairs and tables found at the venue; metal mesh for fencing; ropes and threads; props of cloth coats; used carts; Soviet writing desks; drawings and posters.
Jagermeister’s branding was part of the Manufactory Installation. Without false modesty, this was a brilliant branding — it looked like if letters JAGERMEISTER were braided / embroidered within the closed space of the Manufactory. Thanks to this solution, Arma 17 had gotten a year contract with Jagermeister.
Decorations for the BUNKER party were inspired by the Japanese movie Kwaidan (1964). We were decorating the ready stage, the task was to create the sense of dilapidation and abandonment, as in fairy tales. Materials: hay, dry greens, reels, carts, iron boxes, all used
Folding screen
Minimalistic main stage. The task: to design a stage taking as a basis a grid cube and taking into account all the technical riders and features.
Materials: metal mesh, paint.