Plastic was a long term club project by Arma 17 (Moscow) realized at the territory of The Factory of Plastic Products. Arma 17 took over the area of 7000 square meters — 4 industrial floors with the identical grid of columns; Freak Fabrique were responsible for the last C floor.
Area: 1000 м2
The idea was to stress out constructivism of the building, to break stereotypes, not breaking the perspective. We’d chosen to follow the aesthetics of Soviet constructivism, just add minimalistic installations based on the simplest kinetic principles, light and shadow.
— To develop logistic and a system of traffic’s circulation for comfortable ascent and descent of visitors, since it’s the last floor.
— To make the 4th floor a self-contained mini club with single dance floor.
— To develop own face of the floor, distinct from the others.
— To develop the concept of a veranda/yard for the warm season.
— To change decoration within the year and fill the space with new content and installations for scheduled parties.
Wall art by Artem Stefanov.
Rubber, plastic